Crafts For Kids That Are Fun and Easy

Engaging children in creative activities not only enhances their motor skills but also sparks their imagination. In this blog post, we'll explore the top ten simple crafts for kids that are not only easy to make but also promise heaps of fun. 

So, gather your craft supplies, and let's dive into the world of simple crafts for kids!

1. Paper Plate Animals

Transforming ordinary paper plates into adorable animals is a simple craft that kids love. This craft not only encourages creativity but also teaches them about different animals. Start by providing each child with a paper plate and various craft materials such as coloured paper, googly eyes, glue, and markers. 


  • Encourage kids to use their imagination when designing their animals.
  • Incorporate educational elements by discussing the characteristics of the chosen animals.

Statistic: According to a study by the American Academy of Paediatrics, engaging in creative activities, such as crafting, positively impacts a child's cognitive development.

2. Sock Puppets

Unleash the puppeteer in your child by making simple and adorable sock puppets. It’s a simple craft for kids where all you need are old socks, buttons, yarn, and felt. Let the kids choose their sock and decorate it to bring their puppet character to life. 


  • Use mismatched socks for a quirky puppet character.
  • Encourage storytelling and role-playing with the finished puppets.

Statistic: The American Journal of Play reports that imaginative play, like puppetry, helps children develop essential social and emotional skills.  

3. Nature Collage:

Take the kids outdoors and let them explore their surroundings to collect leaves, flowers, and twigs. Back inside, provide them with a large sheet of paper and glue. Watch as they create a beautiful nature collage using their findings. 


  • Discuss the different textures, shapes, and colours of the collected items.
  • Frame the finished collage to showcase the beauty of nature indoors.

Statistic: A study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology suggests that exposure to nature positively influences children's creativity and overall well-being. 

4. DIY Friendship Bracelets:

Creating friendship bracelets is not only a fun and simple craft for kids but also an opportunity for kids to learn basic weaving skills. All you need are colourful threads or yarn and a willingness to explore different patterns. 


  • Teach simple braiding techniques to add variety to the bracelets.
  • Organize a bracelet-making session with friends for a social and creative experience.

Statistic: The Craft & Hobby Association states that engaging in crafting activities promotes relaxation and stress relief, contributing to overall mental well-being.

5. Egg Carton Caterpillars:

Turn empty egg cartons into adorable caterpillars with this easy and budget-friendly craft. Cut the egg carton into individual sections, and let the kids paint or colour each one. Attach googly eyes, and voila – a colourful caterpillar is born! 


  • Discuss the lifecycle of a caterpillar to incorporate an educational aspect.
  • Extend the craft by creating a habitat for the caterpillar using a shoebox and additional craft materials. 

Statistic: According to research published in the International Journal of Art and Design Education, children's fine motor abilities are developed through practical crafting activities. 

6. Recycled Robot Sculptures:

Encourage eco-friendly creativity by transforming household recyclables into quirky robot sculptures. Gather items like empty cereal boxes, toilet paper rolls, and bottle caps. Let the kids use their imagination to assemble and decorate their very own recycled robots.


  • Talk about how important it is to recycle and repurpose items.
  • Encourage kids to give their robots unique names and personalities.

Statistic: According to the Environmental Protection Agency, teaching children about recycling from a young age instils a sense of environmental responsibility.

7. Bubble Wrap Stomp Painting:

Turn the joy of popping bubble wrap into a unique painting experience. To create colorful and textured artwork, spread out a huge sheet of bubble wrap, paint it with various colors, and then allow the kids to stomp, jump, or push onto it. 


  • Use washable paint for easy cleanup. 
  • Frame the finished artwork as a colourful addition to their room.

Statistic: A study in the Journal of Early Childhood Education and Development suggests that sensory-rich activities, like stomp painting, contribute to children's cognitive development.

8. Rock Painting Garden Markers

Combine the love for gardening with a creative touch by making rock painting garden markers. Have kids paint and decorate smooth rocks with the names of different plants or vegetables. It’s one of the simple crafts for kids where the personalized markers add a charming touch to any garden. 


  • Clear varnish will protect the painting rocks for a long time. 
  • Involve kids in planting and caring for the garden to create a sense of ownership.

Statistic: The National Gardening Association highlights that involving children in gardening activities promotes a sense of responsibility and a connection to nature. 

9. DIY Binoculars

Fuel the spirit of exploration by crafting simple binoculars using toilet paper rolls. Decorate the rolls with coloured paper, stickers, or markers. Attach them with string, and let the kids embark on a backyard or nature trail adventure.  


  • Teach kids about different birds or plants they may encounter.
  • Foster a love for nature observation and exploration.

Statistic: According to a report by the Children & Nature Network, outdoor activities enhance children's physical fitness, problem-solving skills, and emotional well-being.

10. Felt Storyboards

Bring storytelling to life with felt storyboards. Cut out various shapes and characters from colored felt, and let the kids create their narratives on a felt board. This craft not only stimulates creativity but also enhances language and storytelling skills.


  • Encourage kids to collaborate on stories, promoting teamwork.
  • Use the felt storyboards for interactive and imaginative play.

Statistic: The American Academy of Paediatrics emphasizes the importance of imaginative play in developing language and cognitive abilities in young children.

Wrapping Up 

As you embark on these simple crafts tips for kids with your little ones, don't forget to visit LetsKamp for more inspiration and resources. It is a well-renowned hub for creative ideas and activities that cater to the curious minds of children. The platform understands the importance of play and learning, offering a plethora of engaging activities designed to make every moment a learning opportunity. 

Get in touch with us to create, explore, and learn together!

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