From Tiny Tornadoes to Peaceful Pandas: Helping Children Calm Down

As parents, we all know that raising kids comes with its share of challenges. One of the most common hurdles we encounter is how to help child calm down when angry, upset, anxious, or overwhelmed. Teaching our little ones how to manage their emotions is an essential life skill that will serve them well as they grow. 

Let’s explore some simple yet effective strategies to help children calm down, fostering emotional well-being and building strong parent-child connections.

1. Be a Role Model

Children most frequently view their parents and caregivers as the most important role models in their lives. As such, it's crucial to demonstrate healthy emotional regulation in front of them. When you encounter stressful situations, take a deep breath, and verbalize how you're managing your feelings. By modelling self-control and discussing your emotions openly, you're showing your children that it's okay to feel upset and that it's essential to handle those feelings in a constructive manner.

2. Create a Calm Down Corner

Designate a specific area in your home as a "Calm Down Corner." Fill it with comforting items like soft blankets, stuffed animals, and books. Encourage your child to retreat to this safe space whenever they're feeling overwhelmed. The Calm Down Corner serves as a sanctuary and provides what can I give my kid to calm down where they can collect their thoughts and emotions, offering a sense of security and control.

3. Deep Breathing and Mindfulness

Children can benefit greatly from practicing deep breathing and mindfulness activities to control their emotions better. Teach your kid to breathe deeply and slowly when they are angry or distressed. You can turn it into a fun activity by using bubbles or asking them to pretend they're blowing out candles. Additionally, simple mindfulness techniques like asking them to focus on their senses (observing five things that they can see, four things that they can touch, three things that they are able to hear, two things that they have the ability to smell, and one something that they can taste, for instance.) can divert their attention and provide a sense of calm.

4. Establish Routines and Predictable Environments

Children thrive in environments with clear routines and predictable schedules. Knowing what to expect provides a sense of safety and reduces anxiety. Establish consistent bedtime routines, mealtime rituals, and other daily activities to create a structured and stable environment for your child.

Additionally, offer warnings before transitioning from one activity to another, especially if the change may be abrupt. For example, if it's time to leave the playground, give them a five-minute warning so that they can mentally prepare for the transition. Predictable environments and routines can help children feel more in control of their surroundings and emotions.

5. Encourage Artistic Expression

Art has a unique way of allowing children to express their emotions and thoughts without the pressure of finding the right words. Thinking how to help child calm down when angry? Well. Providing opportunities for artistic expression can be incredibly therapeutic for children when they're feeling overwhelmed. Keep a well-stocked art supply area and encourage your child to draw, paint, or create something using clay or other craft materials.

Encourage your child to express their emotions via art when they are upset. "Would you think about to draw to convey how you feel now?" or "Why don't you create something that shows what's going on inside?" As they work on it, pay close attention and ask them polite questions about their creativity. This process not only helps them externalize their emotions but also provides a chance for you to connect with your child on a deeper level.

6. Establish a Feelings Journal

A feelings journal can be a powerful tool for children to track their emotions and recognize patterns in their feelings. It can be as simple as a notebook or a fancy journal with colourful pages. Encourage your child to write or draw in the journal whenever they experience strong emotions or difficult situations.

When using the journal, prompt them to describe their feelings, what might have triggered them, and how they responded to those emotions. This practice helps your child develop emotional awareness and empowers them to reflect on their own emotions and coping strategies. You can also use the journal as an opportunity to share your feelings and experiences, creating a safe and open space for communication.

7. Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Wondering what can I give my kid to calm down? Well. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a method that can help adults and kids alike feel less stressed and anxious. To relieve physical strain, distinct muscle groups are tensed and relaxed. Find a peaceful and comfortable area where you and your kid can practice PMR.

Guide your child through the process by having them tense and then release various muscle groups, starting from their toes and working their way up to their head. For example, they can clench their fists for a few seconds and then release, or scrunch their shoulders up to their ears and then let them drop. This exercise helps children become more aware of the physical sensations of stress and learn how to relax their bodies when feeling overwhelmed.

8. Teach Problem-Solving Skills

Helping children develop problem-solving skills empowers them to handle challenging situations effectively. When your child is upset, encourage them to identify the problem and brainstorm possible solutions. You may help them along the way by asking them things like "What's bothering you?" or "What could you do to improve your circumstances currently?"

If they are having trouble coming up with a solution, present some ideas and go over the possible results of each choice. Through this process, children learn to take a step back from their emotions and approach problems with a more objective mindset.

9. Validate Their Emotions

When your child is upset, it's essential to validate their feelings. Let them know it's normal to be upset, unhappy, or frustrated. Avoid dismissing their emotions or telling them to "just stop crying." Instead, offer empathetic statements such as, "I can see that you're feeling upset right now, and that's okay. Let's talk about this matter." Validating a kid's feelings fosters a sense of trust and security, making it easier for the child to convey themselves and work through their feelings.


Nevertheless, every child is unique, and how to help child calm down when angry for one may not work for another. Be patient and supportive as you explore these strategies with your child. Over time, they will gain the confidence and skills needed to navigate their emotions in a healthy and positive way. 

Visit LetsKamp today to explore more and start making a positive difference in your child's life!

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